We Want it All — Right Now!

How can I get your attention?

That’s the eternal question that gives brand marketers migraines and keeps them awake at all hours of the night.

Today’s brand marketers often speak about the difficulty of cutting through the clutter of omnipresent media messaging to reach the audience they are trying to target. At its heart, the secret to getting your brand message across to the potential audience you want to reach is surprisingly simple: Tell them what they want to hear.

Relevant messaging powerfully delivered at the time your audience needs to hear it will always hit its mark.

Yet how can brand marketers accomplish that seemingly lofty goal? The best are taking advantage of the latest technology to deliver relevant content at just the right time. In our hectic society, building a brand is about offering convenience. Consumers want it all — and they want it on their schedule. If you can deliver that, you can connect with them.

Look at how some retailers are thriving during this competitive holiday shopping season. We’ve had mobile campaigns that reach consumers when they are inside or even near their favorite store. Now, retailers are taking that to a whole new level by using applications like Swirl to target consumers with different offers depending on which area of the store they are shopping in.

Imagine how helpful it would be for a harried mom to have deals on diapers pop up on her phone when she’s in the diaper aisle but see toy coupons instead when she navigates her cart to the next aisle to grab a quick gift. How much does it simplify life for a single guy who runs into the store to grab some dinner on his way home from work when he sees a complete shopping list pop up on his phone based around the item he just put in his cart? You can bet that both of these customers will want to come back to that store next time because it delivered exactly what they needed, when they needed it most.

While it’s true that your organization may not be selling diapers or steak sauce, your brand is most definitely selling something. If you can reach your market when they most need your product and make it convenient for them to purchase and to use it, your brand will be the only one they notice — and the one they’ll come back to again and again.

If you know your product well and have taken the time to understand your audience, you already know what they need from you and when they are most likely to need it. Now, you just have to work with a brand marketing expert to reach them with a relevant message in a format that delivers convenience when they need it most.

As always, if you need assistance executing this final, critical step, the experts at Brand Inspiration are here to assist. Contact us today to talk about it over #CoffeeWithMD.